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Ah, Motion Design

It’s like the flashy, attention-grabbing lights of the video production world. It can punctuate your message in so many ways. Check out this motion design showcase from the One Floor Up library-

Motion Design Showcase – One Floor Up

Apple WWDC23 keynote presentations convey a sense of limitless possibility with the use of vibrant, colorful transitions. The TV show, Stranger Things, creates an eerie feeling with its opening typography. Both are great examples of motion design at work.

Here’s a video that we produced a few years ago. It’s always fun to re-share it this time of year for its festive shots and custom motion graphics.

RS2 Launch

Motion design is particularly good at visualizing concepts that are hard to capture on film. Here’s one example, overlayed on footage, to help tell a story.

Case Study – gogo Aviation

On your next project, One Floor Up’s creative team is happy to create a custom motion design approach to skillfully bring your message to screen.

One Floor Up – Motion Graphics Demo

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