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Studio Pulse

Using Humor in Video – Part Two


“Comedy is the art of telling the truth about what it’s like to be human.” – Steve Kaplan, The Hidden Tools of Comedy – The Serious Business of Being Funny.


In recent years, the Colorado Department of Transportation wanted to use video to tackle sensitive topics, like distracted driving and driving under the influence. Considering the complex and delicate nature of these topics, what’s the best way to convey a message and create a memorable Call to Action?


Why not make it fun? 


In this case, we used observational humor. This is the comedy that is present in everyday situations and relatable experiences. We turned a lens on the absurdity of drunken interactions in order to connect with the audience before delivering a message. 





“Comedy is the art of telling the truth about what it’s like to be human.” – Steve Kaplan, The Hidden Tools of Comedy – The Serious Business of Being Funny.


I love this definition of humor from renowned comedy expert and teacher, Steve Kaplan. It seems particularly relevant alongside this video example. Who hasn’t had, or seen, an absurd drunken interaction similar to this one? 


Kaplan expands on his definition: 


“Comedy is the art of telling the truth about being human.  Now some may balk at this juncture, pointing out that drama also tells the truth, about how noble we are or selfless or loving. But that’s not the whole truth.


The truth is:

We all have flaws

We’re all stupid sometimes

We all have weaknesses


The point is that comedy sees all our flaws, and foibles, and failings, and still doesn’t hate us for them. Because to be flawed is to be human.


Drama helps us dream about what we could be, but comedy helps us live with who we are.


Comedy helps us live with who we are because while drama believes in man’s perfection, comedy operates secure in the knowledge of man’s imperfection: insecure, awkward, fumbling, unsure – all the core attributes of comedy – doesn’t this really describe us all?” 




The CDOT video on distracted driving is equally amusing and incorporates some clever animation. Check it out here:



Do you have a serious or otherwise challenging topic that you want to address using video? Our team can be a fresh set of eyes in the process and help develop a creative approach that you’re excited about. Ready to get started?

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