How Do We Create Motion Graphic Videos? Collaboration. Our process requires a little bit of everyone’s skills. But a motion graphic video always starts out as a simple idea.
From there we’ll take that idea and search for images that evoke the same feeling or use a particular style. Some people call this the mood board or a style board. A mood board should illustrate the overall style that the motion graphic video will use. Think Pinterest but condensed into one image.
Once the style for the video has been decided, we take the idea to storyboards. A storyboard is basically a comic-book version of a motion graphic video. At this point, we are usually working from a locked and approved script, as well as some rough ideas for animation style.
After storyboards, the magic really begins as we put those storyboards into motion with animation. Animation has the potential to give the illusion of life to anything, so this process is often complicated, time-consuming, and full of revisions. However, it is also the stage in which a motion graphic video really starts to take on its own unique identity and look cool.
We wrap things up by doing a final pass for audio and sound effects, and then format it to whatever screen it will wind up on.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this very brief and general overview of how we make a hot dog, err.. I mean how we make motion graphic videos.
If you are interested in learning more, let us know!