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Studio Pulse

Cody – Animating on the Move

Our team is what makes One Floor Up so great. It seems rare to be able to say our entire team is committed to their craft and passionate about what they do for a living and we’re a fortunate group to be able to say that’s the case at OFU.

There’s very little micromanagement on our team of 12 because at the end of the day, everyone just wants to do the best they can – both professionally and personally and it doesn’t really matter where they are.

Cody, our 3-D Designer is on a nomadic journey and we’re excited to share a little glimpse of what it looks like to be animating on the move.

So where in the world is Cody?

Right now I’m in Oaxaca, Mexico! I’ll be here for about a month or so. I was just in Mexico City for about two weeks, and am hoping to head to Puerto Escondido in November.

What gets you excited about your craft? What are your favorite types of projects?

I like the opportunity to be creative! I like bringing concepts to life and finding new and innovative ways to show information. And, truth be told, I’m a bit of a nerd, so I like using all the fun software. I especially love any projects that get me into Cinema 4D- product visualizations and/or narrative motion graphics are my jam.

Cody’s 3-D Animation Work
Cody’s 3-D Animation Work

Talk us through a day in the life as a remote OFU employee.

I like to get out of the house, so I tend to work in Coworking spaces- they usually have comfy chairs and nice desks, coffee available all day and new people to meet.

I start my day with a run. Currently, I enjoy running through the city with diverse architecture and the historic buildings. Before getting to my co-working space, I grab fruit and some food, and a cup of coffee. After a long day at work, I try to get in a Spanish lesson – it’s a personal goal I’m working towards.

What helps you stay connected and motivated?

Keeping in touch with our team helps me stay connected and motivated, and I’ve gotten a lot of motivation from seeing new places and their aesthetics- I always have a few styles cooking in my head that I’m waiting to try out.

What’s it like working with your team remotely?

We have a great workflow for working remotely. It takes a little extra effort to make sure we always stay in contact, but being intentional about communication helps me to keep my thoughts organized.

How does professional development come into play working remotely?

I always try to stay on top of the latest trends wherever I am, and connecting with people from all over helps me stay inspired by others. As I continue to work for OFU I see us developing our styles and skill sets more and more!

We’re excited to follow Cody’s adventures and see how his travels influence his craft. Stay tuned!

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